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Those born in October enjoy two spectacular birthstones to commemorate their birthdays – opal and tourmaline. Both October birthstones have endless color combinations and beautiful coloring characteristics. Learn more about these two October birthstones and discover the perfect gift for those born in the tenth month.


The October birthstone’s dramatic play-of-color has inspired writers
to compare it to fireworks, galaxies and volcanoes.

Bedouins  once believed opal held lightning and fell from the sky during thunderstorms.
Ancient Greeks thought opals bestowed the gift of prophesy
and protection from disease.

Europeans long maintained opal to be a symbol of purity, hope and truth.
Hundreds of years ago, opal was believed to embody the virtues
and powers of all colored stones.
Opal is also the stone given to celebrate the 14th wedding anniversary


Tourmaline is the newer October birthstone.
The name comes from the Sinhalese word toramalli, which means “stone with mixed colors,” because it often has multiple colors in one crystal.
Very few gems match tourmaline’s dazzling array of colors.
Perhaps this is why ancient mystics believed this October birthstone
could inspire artistic expression – it has a color palette for every mood.
Among the most popular are the pink and red rubellites, the emerald green “chrome” tourmalines, and the neon green and blue-to-violet “paraíba” tourmalines. 
Different colors of tourmaline are thought to have their own healing properties. Black tourmaline is believed to protect the wearer and give a sense of self-confidence. Pink tourmaline embodies love and is associated with compassion and gentleness. Green tourmaline promotes courage, strength and stamina. 
Tourmaline is given to celebrate the 8th wedding anniversary


​The October birthstone’s dramatic play-of-color has inspired writers to compare it to fireworks, galaxies and volcanoes.

Bedouins  once believed opal held lightning

and fell from the sky during thunderstorms.

Ancient Greeks thought opals bestowed the gift of prophesy and protection from disease.

Europeans long maintained opal to be a symbol of purity,

hope and truth.

Hundreds of years ago, opal was believed to embody the virtues and powers of all colored stones.
Opal is also the stone given to celebrate the 14th wedding anniversary

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